Here’s what customers say about Monkey Balm.

“I wish we had tried this first before all the prescription products.”
“My 2-year-old granddaughter had been suffering with redness, swelling, inflammation, and irritation around her mouth for over 6 months. She saw her primary doctor and a dermatologist. Prescription steroids, antibiotics, and non steroidal anti-inflammatory creams (all with their own horrible potential side effects for a 1 to 2 year old) helped initially, but once they were stopped the problem continued. Looking for a natural alternative I came across Monkey Balm and bought it. Although the results were slow (improvement over weeks), they were amazing! When my little granddaughter pointed to her lips and said, “monkey,” and wanted to put some on her lips, I knew we were on the right path. She willingly puts the Monkey Balm herself. It was a fight with every other prescription medication application! Her lips are back to normal now, with an occasional very slight flare up that we treat quickly with Monkey Balm. I wish we had tried this first before all the prescription products!”
Sandy A.“Recently I visited the western region of the country. The weather was the typical hot dry summer. Coming from North Carolina where the climate is warm and humid, my 1 yr. old daughter broke out in terrible a flare up of her eczema. She was miserable – itchy and uncomfortable all over. My sister gave me Monkey Balm to try out on her and within 24 hours, her eczema was reduced by 80% or better. Within 2 days her skin was totally normal again. It is truly an amazing product. Nothing works like it – not any medicinal OR natural creams, balms, or anything else I’ve tried. It also works wonders on my dry cracked heels. Thank you for a miracle product!“
Brooke L.

“If you have a child with sensitive skin I totally recommend this.”
“We LOVE this. Works wonders on my child’s eczema! Our family has extremely sensitive skin but this stuff is amazing. Absolutely no irritation or reaction when using. I would apply daily on irritated area and it helped relieve itching and dryness. If you have a child with sensitive skin I totally recommend this.”
Amazon Customer“I had to buy more because not only does my toddler love it, but so does my husband!”
“I use this for my toddler’s eczema. It’s convenient to bring along and apply and it keeps his eczema area moisturize. In fact, we use the 2.0 oz stick for eczema and the travel size stick as lip balm. I had to buy more because not only does my toddler love it, but so does my husband! They each have their own stick of Monkey Balm.”